01 Oct 2013
Hainanese Chicken Rice isn’t complete without these yummy sauces!! WARNING!! Make sure you wear gloves when cutting/seeding chili peppers!! I seeded 7 serrano chili peppers yesterday and my hands are still burning today!! I had to ask hubby (much obliged) to help at shower time because my hands couldn’t stand the hot running water which I normally enjoy so much…
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27 Sep 2013
Some traditions are often lost in the modern days of technology. Having eaten so many mooncakes, I often wonder how can red bean be made into such silky and smooth paste without a blender in the old age. I must say, this did take a bit of time to make. But, I suppose folks do not have TVs nor iPads in those time to keep them entertained. Nevertheless, the resulting product was definitely quite worth the trouble.
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24 Sep 2013
海南雞起源於中國的海南島的文昌市.Its origin is based on 白切雞 (boiled chicken) method to cook a specific breed of chicken from Wenchang City (文昌雞). Although since its origin from Hainan, this dish has become especially popular in Singapore and Hong Kong. 這也是我在新加坡的最愛.
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23 Sep 2013
中秋節快到了.Moon cake time! 講到月餅就想到包在月餅裡香香油油的鹹鴨蛋.Salty duck eggs have been known to be a way of preserving duck eggs since the 5th century or earlier. 南北朝時期早已大量醃製,而且可以久藏.There are various ways of making salty duck eggs: 黃沙醃法 (yellow sand), 鹽水醃製法 (salt bath), 白酒浸製法 (white wine), 辣醬醃法 (chili).
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